How can we help?


EXEED Grant Scheme

Financial and technical support to become energy-efficient

With this grant, businesses can introduce energy-efficient technology, design, or processes into their buildings and facilities to be more sustainable and competitive

Who is it for?

Businesses that want to design and build energy efficient assets. 

You might be eligible if: 

  • Your project is committed to achieving EXEED certification 
  • Your project represents good value for money for the taxpayer 
  • Your project contributes to Ireland’s national climate policy goals 
  • You comply with the specific requirements and regulations outlined by the SEAI 

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions.

What do you get?

  • Grants of up to €1,000,000 per project
  • A step-by-step process for identifying and introducing the most effective energy-saving measures
  • Better energy performance with lower energy bills, lower carbon emissions, and a more sustainable operation 

What can it be used for?

  • New design projects such as entirely new buildings or facilities
  • Major renovations including significant upgrades to existing buildings and assets to improve their energy efficiency
  • Major energy upgrades to introduce substantial energy-saving measures to existing structures
  • Demonstrating a commitment to energy efficiency to increase competitiveness and attract eco-conscious customers and investors

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