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Food & Drink

Ireland's food and drink sector is world-renowned for its quality, but rising costs, labour shortages, and supply chain issues are also making it hard for producers. To cope, businesses like yours are finding ways to improve their efficiency and sustainability, develop innovative products and invest in training.


Here, you can find a wide range of supports to help, as well as advice on managing energy costs, training your workforce, and navigating regulations. Contact our Hub team today and we'll find the right support to help make your business stronger and more adaptable.

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All food and drink supports

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Develop a talent pool and gain access to new skills

GradStart provides financial support for businesses to compete for and hire graduate talent. The support covers the cost of taking in graduate talent on a two-year placement basis, to improve the skills base within your business.


Grants & Funding

Businesses that want to develop their talent pool and gain access to new skills. 

You may be eligible if: 

  • You’re an Enterprise Ireland, a Local Enterprise Office or Údarás na Gaeltachta client

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions.

Operational Excellence

Help to improve efficiency and competitiveness

Your business must be able to respond, adapt and improve in response to constant changes in customer needs, suppliers, and your own day-to-day operations. This support helps you to invest in a major transformation project which could help your business be more competitive on an international level.


Training & Programmes

Businesses redesigning their business to make it more efficient and competitive.

You may be eligible if:

  • You are an existing Enterprise Ireland (EI) client
  • You are a potential EI client operating a small to medium business
  • Have been trading for at least 5 years, with revenues of at least €500,000

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions.

Evolve Strategic Planning

Help to address challenges with changes to trade

Businesses need to be able to adapt and keep going, even through challenging times when the world around them suddenly changes. With this grant for strategic planning, we can help you prepare for future business challenges by covering the cost of preparing a response plan. 


Training & Programmes

Businesses that want to prepare a plan so they can continue to operate in difficult times.

You may be eligible if: 

  • You are an existing Enterprise Ireland (EI) client 
  • You are a potential EI client operating a small to medium business
  • You are actively trading and engaged in certain eligible activities, and have been impacted by business disruption

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions.

Food Academy

Get training and mentorship in various areas for your food business

This programme provides you with essential knowledge about starting a food business in Ireland and a unique opportunity to sell your product through one of Ireland’s leading retailers.

Training & Programmes

Food and drink businesses that want to grow their operations and sell their products with major Irish retailers.

You might be eligible if: 

  • You are a food and beverage business that already has a product, tested it in the market, and is now looking to scale up
  • Your business is beyond the initial start-up period of 18 months 

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions.


Apply Lean practices to improve operational effectiveness

In an ever-evolving world, businesses must always be ready for change. LeanPlus is an in-depth programme that helps you put new processes in place to reduce costs and make your business more efficient and competitive.


Grants & Funding

Businesses that want to put new processes in place to improve company productivity and reduce inefficiency.

You may be eligible if: 

  • You are an existing Enterprise Ireland (EI) client 
  • You are a potential EI client operating a small to medium business
  • You have already completed LeanStart 

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions.

Standard Mentor Assignment

Practical business advice from a large mentor network

Enterprise Ireland has a Mentor Network of over 400 successful business people with international business development experience. They can offer you one-to-one sessions and practical business advice through this business mentor programme.


Grants & Funding

Business owners who want guidance from a mentor who is experienced in your sector. 

You may be eligible if: 

  • You are an existing Enterprise Ireland (EI) client 
  • You are a potential EI client operating a small to medium business

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions.

Access Advice : Lean Start

An introduction to Lean Thinking

LeanStart is an introductory, short-focused training programme that introduces your company to Lean thinking. Lean thinking is a set of business principles that can help staff learn new ways of working and identify inefficient processes that do not add value to a business. 


Grants & Funding

Businesses looking to make practical improvements in their business to deliver better quality faster and without waste. 

You may be eligible if: 

  • You are an existing Enterprise Ireland (EI) client
  • You are a potential EI client operating a small to medium business

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions.

Energy Efficiency Grant

Introduce energy-saving measures for your small business

Businesses are encouraged to invest in sustainable products and services to reduce their carbon footprint and play their part in a greener future. With this support, you can introduce new measures to become a more energy-efficient business.

Grants & Funding

Businesses that want to invest in new energy-efficient technology to reduce environmental impact. 

You might be eligible if: 

  • You are a small to medium business
  • You employ up to 50 people 
  • You have been operating for at least 6 months
  • You have generated revenues of at least €30k
  • You have undertaken the Green for Business programme
  • You have had a recent energy audit by a SEAI auditor

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions

Lean for Business

Make your small business more efficient with Lean principles

With this support, find out how Lean principles can transform your business by helping your staff find new ways of working and identifying inefficient practices to increase productivity.

Grants & Funding

Businesses that want to improve their performance, reduce their costs and be more competitive.

You might be eligible if: 

  • You are a small to medium business
  • You employ up to 50 people 
  • You have been operating for at least 6 months
  • You have generated revenues of at least €30k 

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions.

Green for Business

Start your sustainability journey

This is an entry-level sustainability grant. It helps you to introduce ways to be more sustainable in your day-to-day operations. It aims to improve your operational performance through better efficiency so you can lower your costs and be more competitive.

Grants & Funding

You might be eligible if: 

  • You are a small to medium business
  • You employ up to 50 people 
  • You have been operating for at least 6 months
  • You have generated revenues of at least €30k

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions.

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