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Expand your business

Taking your small business to the next level is exciting, but knowing how to start can be daunting. Here, you will find information on a range of supports to help with expansion – from entering new markets to hiring skilled staff and everything in between.

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Bord Bia facilitates trade shows and webinar participation by organising and managing events that allow Irish food and drink companies to showcase their products globally.

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This scheme covers key expenses like travel and stand rental, helping you to grow your business in new markets.

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IDA Ireland International Marketing Programme
IDA support to expand into new markets.

IDA Ireland's International Marketing Programme (IMP) is a financial grant program designed to specifically support existing client companies in expanding to new international markets.

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Technical Assistance for Micro-Exporters Grant (TAME)
Explore export opportunities

This support provides funding to assist businesses in exploring and developing export opportunities.

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Enterprise Ireland's Market Research Centre helps businesses to collect data to uncover trends, potential successes, and challenges in a market. Based on this data, businesses can make smarter choices and gain valuable market research skills.

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The International Fair Fund will cover key expenses like travel and stand rental as well as the cost of transporting your work, helping you to grow your business in new markets.

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This is a short, intensive programme for senior leaders. It allows you to gain support and training to identify business growth opportunities and build a clear marketing plan.

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Cross-border trading is one of the easier, more accessible ways to begin exporting. This programme is designed to help businesses grow on an all-island basis by dedicating a sales resource to develop sales opportunities in the cross-border market. 

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Development of Market Research Skills Scheme
Learn how to carry out market research to enter new markets

This support can be used to help cover the internal costs of exploring new market opportunities.

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This support provides businesses with the help they need to effectively use digital marketing channels to reach new customers, grow sales and expand their market reach.

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Online guidance and resources to support businesses with the recruitment and retention of staff and building a positive and inclusive Employer brand, while contributing to the reputation of tourism & hospitality as a rewarding career of choice.

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JobsPlus is a financial incentive to encourage employers to offer job opportunities to unemployed people.

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The Bord Bia Talent Academy trains graduates in the Irish food and drink industry by offering educational programs that combine classroom learning with real-world experience.

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The Wage Subsidy Scheme gives financial incentives to private sector employers to employ people with a disability. The work offered must be for a minimum of 15 hours per week and the subsidy is available up to 39 hours per week

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Enterprise Ireland's Employment Funding Support is an employment grant that helps businesses with growth potential to create new jobs, through projects focused on increasing international trade.

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The Work Placement Experience Programme (WPEP) is a voluntary work experience programme for jobseekers who are currently getting a qualifying social welfare payment and have been unemployed for six months or more.

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Intreo is the Irish Public Employment Service offering practical, tailored employment services and supports for employers. 

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A business is nothing without good people. With this key manager grant, you can get help with the salary cost of a ‘Key Manager’ – someone whose skills are needed for the success of your business. Examples of Key Manager positions are Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Research & Development Manager, etc. 

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This is a grant to cover the cost of employing staff on a full-time or part-time basis.

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GradStart provides financial support for businesses to compete for and hire graduate talent. The support covers the cost of taking in graduate talent on a two-year placement basis, to improve the skills base within your business.

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Make better decisions to help you thrive in tourism with Fáilte Ireland's research and insights.
Expand, develop, invest or launch your tourism business with the benefit of Fáilte Ireland's research. Understand your customers, access industry data, and make strategic decisions for success. Explore reports on trends, economics, and product development. Your one-stop shop for informed planning and diversification.

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This support provides assistance to businesses making an initial investment in ‘material assets’ such as buildings or equipment, or ‘immaterial assets’ such as the transfer of technology through the acquisition of patent rights, licences, know-how or unpatented technical knowledge.

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This support provides food and drink businesses with research, strategic thinking and project management guidance.

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This support provides food and drink businesses with brand activation strategic thinking and project management guidance.

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This support provides food and drink businesses with brand development, strategic thinking and project management guidance.

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The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) helps smaller, higher-risk trading companies raise finance by offering tax relief to investors who buy new shares. 

A company seeking finance via the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) or EIS will need to obtain advance assurance from HMRC that the company, its trade and its shares qualify. This 

will give potential investors comfort that the company should qualify for SEIS/EIS relief.

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This learning platform helps food or drink businesses build better brands by sharing thought leadership and best-practice marketing tools.

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This fund can help to build a solid foundation for your new venture, increasing your chances of success in a competitive market. 

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SuperBrands helps food and drink businesses understand how consumers see their brand and their competitors, and find a proposition for their brand with consumers in Ireland and the UK.

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This support helps early-stage food and drink companies prepare for global growth and attract investment through resources and expert guidance.

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