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Design and Crafts

This iconic sector showcases Ireland's rich cultural heritage, while fostering creativity and entrepreneurship. As designers and craftspeople, you're global ambassadors for Ireland, but we know you face big challenges too; like dealing with the impact of the pandemic, and the growing need to become more efficient, digital and sustainable.


Contact our Hub today to get connected with the support you need to grow and develop your Arts, Crafts and Design business.

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Key Employee Engagement Programme

Tax relief for employees of small and medium enterprises

The Key Employee Engagement Programme (KEEP) can help your business attract and retain key employees by allowing you to provide them with tax advantaged share based remuneration. 

Grants & Funding

KEEP helps micro, small and medium enterprises attract key employees by enabling the enterprise to offer employees share options with preferential tax treatment. Most trading activities are eligible for the scheme but certain professional services and financial activities are excluded.

You may be eligible if:

  • Your company is an unquoted micro, small or medium enterprise
  • You are carrying out a qualifying trade

The scheme is also available to companies that belong to larger group structures provided they are part of a qualifying group. Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions which can be found on the Revenue website:

Research and Development (R&D) Corporation Tax Credit

Tax credit for expenditure on research and development (R&D) activities

The R&D Tax Credit can help your business pursue research and development projects and contribute to innovation and productivity.

Grants & Funding

You may be eligible if:

  • the company carries out qualifying R&D activities in Ireland, the European Economic Area (EEA) or the United Kingdom, and
  • is within the charge of Corporation Tax in Ireland. A company may qualify for the R&D Corporation Tax Credit if its R&D activities meet the following criteria:
  • involve systematic, investigative or experimental activities
  • are in the field of science or technology;
  • involve one, or more, of these categories of R&D: basic research, applied research, or experimental development;
  • seek to achieve a scientific or technological advancement; and
  • involve the resolution of scientific or technological uncertainty.

Start-up Loan

Start-up Loan

If you are setting up a business or are in operation for less than 18 months, our start-up loan is available to help you get your business up and running.


You might be eligible if: 

  • You are setting up a business or are in operation for less than 18 months
  • Your business has fewer than 10 full time employees
  • Your business has an annual turnover of less than €2 million
  • Your business has experienced difficulty in securing a loan from the banks
  • Living in Ireland

IDA Ireland Innovation Voucher

Solve problems in products and services.

The voucher can be used to purchase academic support from one of the registered knowledge providers, on IDA’s approved list. They can aid IDA clients with new product or process development; new business model development, new service delivery model or new service development model.

Grants & Funding

You may be eligible if:

  • You are a client company that has a problem to solve in a particular area of product or service delivery. 



‘’ (Business Electronic Safety Management and Risk assessment Tool) is a free online resource provided by the Health and Safety Authority that enables small businesses and the self-employed to prepare both risk assessments and safety statements, in line with their statutory requirements

Advice & Mentoring

Training & Programmes

You may be eligible if:

  • You are an employer or have been delegated responsibility for occupational health and safety. Under Irish legislation (Section 20 of the Safety, Health, and Welfare at Work Act 2005), employers including the self-employed are required to prepare a Safety Statement based on the identification of hazards and risk assessment, as detailed in Section 19 of the 2005 Act

Work and Access

Financial supports to help make workplaces more accessible

Work and Access is a set of supports for employers and employees that aim to remove or reduce barriers in the workplace for people with a disability.

Training & Programmes

Advice & Mentoring

Businesses that are making their workplaces more accessible for people with disabilities. 

You may be eligible if:

  • You are a private-sector, community, not-for-profit, or voluntary business in Ireland
  • You have offered employment to a person with a disability and they will require workplace adaptations to undertake duties 
  • You have an employee who developed an illness, condition or impairment (occupational or otherwise) that affects their ability to carry out their job
  • You have a workforce that requires training in the area of Disability, Equality and Inclusion

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions

IDA Ireland Lean for Global Business Services

Lean and digital for services

This grant offers training and support to services companies that want to adopt lean and automation business principles to increase performance and competitiveness

Grants & Funding

You may be eligible if:

  • You are an existing IDA client company operating shared or global business services that are exporting.

Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme(SICAP)

SICAP 2024-2028 Supporting the expansion of Social Enterprises to address collective community needs

The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme provides direct financial support that can make a significant difference to people by giving them the financial assistance they need to put their business ideas into practice. SICAP supports the establishment and expansion of Social Enterprises to address collective community needs, including employing those who are most marginalised, which in turn can foster the establishment of local services where other enterprises may not be in a position to. From 2024, once-off Enterprise Start-up grants may assist an individual to set up a business. 

Grants & Funding

SICAP supports a range of disadvantaged and marginalised groups in society who are unable or unlikely to access mainstream supports. 

You might be eligible if:

  •  you are an individual who is starting a business
  • you are a business operating using a social enterprise model whereby your enterprise generates non-public funding by charging for goods and services delivered
  • To be eligible for support, SEs supported under SICAP must provide services to one or more of the 12 named target groups, including provision of employment/training opportunities, and/or focus on addressing one or more of the programme’s eight thematic focus areas. 

The 12 Sicap target groups include: 

  1. People living in disadvantaged communities
  2. People impacted by educational disadvantage
  3. People living in jobless households or households where the primary income source is low-paid and/or precarious
  4. People who are long-term unemployed
  5. People with a criminal history
  6. Refugees
  7. International Protection Applicants
  8. Disabled People/People with Disabilities
  9. Heads of One-parent Families
  10. Travellers
  11. Roma
  12. Island residents

Local SEs should contact their nearest Programme Implementing (PI) organisation (available on the Pobal website) for further details and support.

IDA Ireland Green Plus

Invest in Sustainability

This grant is offered to existing clients to explore and implement sustainable practices and produce a Climate Action Plan or improve existing plan. 

Grants & Funding

You may be eligible if:

  • You are an existing IDA client that is exporting

LEADER programme for Rural Development

LEADER Programme: Funding Projects for Economic Growth, Rural Infrastructure, and Climate Resilience

LEADER is a community-led approach to local development funded through Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027. The 2023-22027 LEADER Programme can fund the following enterprise types; Green Economy, Agricultural Diversification, Rural Tourism & Recreation, Innovative Enterprise Development, Rural Food Production and Social, Community & Cooperative Enterprises. Funding is available for all rural areas. For the purposes of the LEADER programme in Ireland, rural areas are defined as all parts of Ireland with the exception of the areas within the boundaries of the five main cities of Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Waterford and Galway.

Grants & Funding

You may be eligible if: 

  • your enterprise (including social enterprise) is located in a rural area - defined as 'all parts of Ireland with the exception of the areas within the boundaries of the five main cities of Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Waterford and Galway'
  • In order for a project to be eligible for LEADER funding, it must be compatible with the actions outlined in the approved Local Development Strategy for the relevant LEADER area, and it must comply with the Operating Rules and EU Regulations in place for the programme

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