How can we help?


Skillnet Ireland

Become part of a team of private companies working together to address skill needs

Skillnet Ireland is the national talent development agency of Ireland offering upskilling programmes and business supports to companies of all sizes through 70 Skillnet Business Networks and National Initiatives.

Who is it for?

You may be eligible if:

  • You are private sector or commercial semi-state businesses that want to develop the skills needed to advance business competitiveness through national upskilling initiatives, or one or more of the 70 Skillnet Business Networks, which are clusters of private sector businesses that collaborate based on their sector, or region.

What do you get?

A wide range of training solutions across many sectors and regions are available through 70 Skillnet Business Networks and Skillnet Ireland National Initiatives. Skillnet Ireland is experienced in helping businesses identify the right upskilling or reskilling programmes as well as business supports to enhance productivity, competitiveness, and sustainability for Irish companies and the Irish economy.

What can it be used for?

Skilllnet Ireland helps businesses build competitiveness through skills by providing training programmes and business supports across almost every sector and specialism throughout Ireland.

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