How can we help?


Research, Development & Innovation Fund

Increase sales and employment with research and development

This fund provides financial support to invest in research, development and innovation. The aim is to develop new products, services, and processes to make the business more competitive.

Who is it for?

Businesses that are involved in experimental, non-routine Research and Development projects in areas such as advanced manufacturing, digital technologies, sustainable technologies, healthcare and life sciences, food and beverage.

You might be eligible if:

  • You are an Enterprise Ireland, Local Enterprise Office or Údarás na Gaeltacht client or potential client
  • You have adequate cash resources to implement the proposed project

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions. 

What do you get?

  • Grants of up to €750,000 are available
  • The grant size is dependent on the company size and the type of technological challenge

What can it be used for?

The development of new products or services that must:

  • Resolve a technical challenge
  • Be non-routine 
  • Be a ‘step-up’ for the company in terms of the level of research, development and innovation capability in the company. 

Get in touch

If this sounds like the right support for your business, call our dedicated hub for more details on how to apply.

*Phone operating hours are Mon - Fri from 9am - 5pm

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An initiative of the Government of Ireland. Powered by Enterprise Ireland.