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Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund

Investing in the development and deployment of disruptive technologies

This Fund seeks to invest in the development and deployment of disruptive technologies and drive collaboration between Ireland’s world-class industry and research base, based on existing challenges. DTIF supports enterprises wishing to engage in 'industrial research' and/or 'experimental development' for collaborative research to develop and deploy disruptive technologies, on a commercial basis

Who is it for?

Technology-based businesses of all sizes and sectors that are creating new products, processes or services that will change the way we work and live. The fund also aims to encourage research and development collaboration between universities and businesses of all sizes and industries. 

You may be eligible if:

  • You are based in Ireland
  • You are an existing agency client of Enterprise Ireland (EI), IDA or Údarás na Gaeltachta
  • You are an eligible Research Performing Organisation (RPO) – an institution that conducts research.

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions.

What do you get?

  • This fund provides grants. Grants vary widely, depending on the specific project, the scale of innovation and the budget allocations in the funding cycle
  • Projects will usually require funding above €1.5 million

What can it be used for?

  • The development and deployment of technologies that will change industries and create new markets
  • To finance a new wave of technology
  • To create or improve products, services or processes
  • Buying equipment or software needed for innovation
  • Hiring experts or specialists for projects

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