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Performance and Prospects Hub

Understand the trajectory of the Irish food, drink, and horticulture industry

This webpage allows anyone to view and access data on Irish food, drink, and horticulture exports, showing the amounts and values sent to different destinations.

Who is it for?

Food or drink businesses with an interest in the industry's performance and future outlook.

You may be eligible if: 

  • No eligibility necessary

What do you get?

Irish export data for food, drink, and horticulture by sector and subcategory, showing amounts and values sent to different destinations.

What can it be used for?

  • Market research
  • Sector or subcategory insights
  • General trade-related queries
  • Presentation development

*This support is for Bord Bia client companies only. To become a Bord Bia client company and avail for these supports, please send a Client Request Form accessible here: Registration form and the Client Engagement team will individually assess the request

To become a Bord Bia client, companies must have a turnover over €100k and manufacture in Ireland. Access to specific supports and services can be limited depending on interest and availability. Some of the supports require a 50% contribution

Most supports require that companies are Origin Green verified members to be eligible to avail for the support. To request more information please access Bord Bia at

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