How can we help?


Key Manager Support - Udaras

Attract and hire key people with the right skills

A business is nothing without good people. With this key manager grant, you can get help with the salary cost of a ‘Key Manager’ – someone whose skills are needed for the success of your business. Examples of Key Manager positions are Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Research & Development Manager, etc. 

Who is it for?

Businesses seeking to hire the best leaders or fill a talent gap. 

You may be eligible if: 

  • You are an existing Údarás na Gaeltachta client 
  • You are a potential Údarás na Gaeltachta client operating a small to medium business
  • You have been trading for at least 2 years

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions.

What do you get?

  • Maximum of €150,000 for annual salary costs for a full-time role
  • €75,000 to €150,000 for annual salary costs for a part-time role

What can it be used for?

The cost of hiring a Key Manager who can make significant measurable improvements to a business   

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