How can we help?


Invoice Financing

Use outstanding invoices to get a cash advance

This flexible financing is useful for small businesses to bridge cash flow gaps. For example, when a customer takes a long time to settle an invoice or if the business is experiencing seasonal slow periods.

Who is it for?

You might be eligible if: 

  • You are a small to medium business

Eligibility is subject to terms and conditions.

What do you get?

  • Immediate access to your money
  • Flexible financing that adapts to the specific needs and invoice volume of your business
  • Your sales ledger is used to secure access to funds, so as the business grows, so does the amount of funds that can be made available

What can it be used for?

Access to immediate funding for expansion or equipment.

Get in touch

If this sounds like the right support for your business, call our dedicated hub for more details on how to apply.

*Phone operating hours are Mon - Fri from 9am - 5pm

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An initiative of the Government of Ireland. Powered by Enterprise Ireland.