How can we help?


Grow Digital Portal

A Digital Toolkit for All Businesses

The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment's Grow Digital portal is a a digital toolkit for all businesses, to help them to embrace the opportunities that digital technologies and tools can offer.

Who is it for?

Grow Digital can help businesses at any stage of their digital journey, but especially for those who are just starting out. They can use the tool to assess where they are now, what they can do moving forward, and where they can go to get help.

What do you get?

An essential feature of the portal is the Grow Digital Scorecard which provides bespoke advice alongside information on potential supports and funding options. Businesses can also use the portal to learn more about the benefits of digitalisation and identify what steps and digital tools they can consider to become more competitive and efficient, and to enhance their customer service.

Grow Digital has a case study catalogue with digital success stories from a range of businesses, showcasing how they have embraced digital solutions to boost their operations.

What can it be used for?

Grow Digital can be used to identify the opportunities that digitalisation offers your business and find available supports to assist you on your journey. This Grow Digital Scorecard provides the foundations for a conversation with your Local Enterprise Office, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Enterprise Ireland, or IDA Ireland on what actions your business can take towards digitalisation.

Grow Digital Portal: 

Get in touch

If this sounds like the right support for your business, call our dedicated hub for more details on how to apply.

*Phone operating hours are Mon - Fri from 9am - 5pm

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An initiative of the Government of Ireland. Powered by Enterprise Ireland.